Friday, March 1, 2019

Will Trump Be Impeached?

On Thursday, February 28, 2019, the Washington Post published an article titled Michael Cohen's testimony reminds us that Trump's investigations are far from over. This article astonished me, it's crazy for me to think that a President can have so many people declaring against him and a lot of his crimes yet, he remains in office. I believe this article was written not just for liberals but also for conservatives that voted for Trump, the author David Ignatius, a Harvard graduate has given us many reasons as to why the President should no longer remain in office yet we have no "bipartisan consensus". This article clearly states its opinion on the issue, that Trump is a liar and a cheat, in fact, many people have come out in the past declaring that Trump didn't pay them for work they did. It's bewildering to think that news anchors are held to a higher standard of professionalism than our own President. Having Cohen declare against Trump is already extremely controversial, mainly since Cohen is a felon, so the fact that these two were at one point together just brings even more suspicion to Trump, remember, "you are what you hang with".  There's nothing set in stone yet, and it's not looking like he'll be impeached soon, but his trials are "far from over". I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in this case and hope Trump gets what he deserves, personally, I believe we shouldn't have allowed him to get this far in his presidential career. Thank Y'all for reading, enjoy your day.

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