Friday, May 3, 2019


In today's modern society the President has become too powerful of a figure. Way more powerful than our founding fathers ever intended him to become. At the time, the U.S. Constitution was written, our newborn country had some "daddy issues", therefore, the founding fathers wanted to ensure the president wouldn't be too powerful as to where the people would become powerless under a dictatorship. They wanted the people in charge, a well long-lasting republic.
 The Stewardship theory of presidential power, which is a theory that believes the president can do anything that is demanded of him by his nation as long as it is not forbidden by the Constitution, is a vague loophole that has allowed the president to abuse his power in order to fulfill his personal agenda. I don't fully disagree with the stewardship theory but at times like this (Trump in the house) I believe I would feel more comfortable if we stuck to the Whig theory; It's a theory that states that the president should only execute the laws and not his personal opinions. The Constitution, although well written and effective is, for lack of better words, antiquated.
 This means that in our modern day a lot of things aren't prohibited under the Constitution. Trump could be doing many stupid, security-lacking, posts on social media and under the Constitution, he would not be penalized.