Friday, April 5, 2019

Constant State of Uncertainty

Ever since Trump has been in office dreamers have been living in constant fear of being deported back to their home countries. Trump moved to end the DACA program and while not passed he did manage to stop allowing more people from becoming dreamers for a while. I believe this is truly devastating because, in most of these cases, these dreamers have been living in the U.S. for most of their lives. They don't really know their home country, and to be stripped of all they know now would be extremely sad and unjust.
 Now, luckily this year (2019) a bill to possibly give permanent status to 2.5 million dreamers has been introduced. The likeliness of this actually being passed are slim but the hope remains, this is also a good example of how Democrats feel about immigration. With a new year and more candidates, I am hopeful that we get a Democratic president and for him or her to be generous and potentially give these dreamers a future they can be certain of and the ability to return to their mother country to learn about their roots and see relatives that aren't able to come see them.